How SepClean Septic Tank Care Products Work
SepClean introduces millions of healthy new micro-organisms to the septic tank, replacing the lost enzymes and redressing the balance, allowing the septic tank to digest the waste products naturally. Breaking down the organic solids and eliminating smells, blockages and overflows.

SepClean prevents further problems
Once the septic tank is working properly again, regular use of SepClean maintains the enzyme balance in the septic tank and eliminates the formation of solid deposits. The septic tank requires less frequent emptying and is far less prone to blockages, overflows or seepage.
We have a range of SepClean bundles on offer which include a range of our best septic tank care products at a discounted price, find out more on these offers here.
How Septic Tanks go wrong
Household detergents and harsh chemicals gradually slow down or stop the biological action inside septic tanks or cesspits by killing off the natural micro-organisms that normally digest the waste products.
This leads to a build up of deposits and eventual blockage and malfunctioning of the system.
The drainage system
Because SepClean can be introduced directly to the WC, the biological action also takes effect on drains and pipes, helping to keep them clear and clean. The whole drainage system benefits from SepClean.
SepClean Septic Tank Care Products are the natural solution to the problem. Quick, Clean, Safe and easy to use…